Weekly Teaching

Listen to / Watch Session Recordings  

SERIES Understanding the End Times through the Book of Daniel
Date Topic
9 Jul Being Faithful Witnesses — King Nebuchadnezzar & Daniel (Dan. 4)
2 Jul The Life of Daniel — Being a Faithful Witness Until the End
(Dan. 3)
25 Jun The Life of Daniel — Being a Faithful Witness (Dan. 2)
18 Jun The Life of Daniel — Unusual Devotion and Single-Mindedness to Christ (Dan. 1)
11 Jun Introducing the Book of Daniel
SERIES The Joel 2 Lifestyle —
An Urgent Call to the End-Time Church for the Now
Date Topic
4 Jun The Corporate Response
28 May The Individual Response
21 May Why the Joel 2 Lifestyle?
14 May Entering into the Rest of God (Heb. 4)
SERIES The Mature End-Time Prayer Movement
Date Topic
7 May A Prophetic Picture of the End-Time Prayer Movement V: Mary of Bethany
30 Apr A Prophetic Picture of the End-Time Prayer Movement IV: Mary of Bethany
23 Apr Esther: A Prophetic Picture of the End-Time Prayer Movement III
16 Apr Esther: A Prophetic Picture of the End-Time Prayer Movement II
9 Apr Esther: A Prophetic Picture of the End-Time Prayer Movement I
SERIES Understanding the Harlot Babylon (Rev. 17 – 18)
Date Topic
2 Apr The Rise, Function, Fall and Ultimate Judgement of Harlot Babylon
26 Mar Rev. 18 & Zech. 5: Biblical Insight into Harlot Babylon
19 Mar Rev. 17: Biblical Insight into Harlot Babylon
12 Mar Who is Harlot Babylon: The Basic Premises
5 Mar The Harlot Babylon: Its Spirit and Core Issue
SERIES The Word of the Lord 2024
Date Topic
23 Feb WOTL VII: Psalm 24 — Key to the Fullness of God
16 Feb WOTL VI: 2 Timothy 1:7 — Grace to Hold the Line
2 Feb WOTL V: The 1 Peter 4:17 Moment
26 Jan WOTL IV: Judges 7 — The Sword and Torch of Gideon's Army
19 Jan WOTL III: Judges 6 — The Call of the Gideon's Army
12 Jan
5 Jan (2024) WOTL II: Psalm 18 — The Doorway unto the David Generation
29 Dec WOTL I: A Season of Open Doors — To Ascend and to Enter In
SERIES God's Treasures for the End-Time Church (Part III)
Date Topic
22 Dec The Journey into the John 17 Generation
15 Dec Overcoming as Jesus Christ Has Overcome (Jn. 16:33)
8 Dec Overcoming through Peace (Jn. 16:25–33)
1 Dec No Friday Teaching
24 Nov Receiving the Fullness of Joy (Jn. 16:16–24)
17 Nov Turning Sorrow into Joy I (Jn. 16:20)
10 Nov The Ultimate Declaration: God’s Plan & Preparation for the End-Time Church (Jn. 16:13, 15)
3 Nov No Friday Teaching
27 Oct No Friday Teaching
20 Oct The Ultimate Guide: The Spirit of Truth (Jn. 16:12–15)
13 Oct The Ultimate Display of Power: The Spirit of Conviction (John 16:8–11)
6 Oct No Friday Teaching
29 Sep Our Ultimate Advantage: The Leadership of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:7)
22 Sep The School of the Spirit III: Overcoming Offence
15 Sep The School of the Spirit II: Betrayal
8 Sep The School of the Spirit I: Persecution
1 Sep Introducing John 16: The Ultimate Helper for the Ultimate Challenge
SERIES The Judgement of God — Journeying from Confusion to Delight in God's Judgement
Date Topic
25 Aug Jesus as the Righteous Judge in Red Garments
18 Aug The Dilemma of Habakkuk
11 Aug The Wrath of God
4 Aug The Goodness and Severity of God's Judgement
28 Jul The Primary and Secondary Causes of Crisis
21 Jul Hebrews 12: The Paradox of Judgement
14 Jul Haggai 2: The Paradox of Judgement
7 Jul No Friday Teaching
30 Jun Understanding the Judgement of God at the End of the Age
Topics updated as of 17 Nov 2023
TBC: To Be Confirmed
Topics in green are stand-alone teachings and not part of a series.


Feb – Jun 2023
Understanding God’s End-Time Plan for Jerusalem through the Book of Zechariah (audio and video available)

Dec 2022 – Feb 2023
The Word of the Lord 2023 (audio and video available)



Apr – Dec 2022
God's Treasures for the End-Time Church (Part II) (audio and video available)

Jul – Oct 2022
Understanding the Times Unto Preparation for the Times (audio and video available)

Apr – Oct 2022
Standalone Teachings (audio and video available)

Mar 2022
Israel and The End Times (audio and video available)

Jan – Feb 2022
The Word of the Lord 2022 (audio and video available)



Apr – Dec 2021
God's Treasures for the End-Time Church (Part I) (audio and video available)

Jan – Feb 2021
The Word of the Lord 2021 (audio and video available)



Aug – Dec 2020
The Bride of Christ (audio and video available)

May – Jul 2020
Standalone Teachings (audio and video available)

Feb – Mar, Jun – Jul 2020
Return to the Fundamentals; Strengthen What has Become Weak
(audio and video available)

Jan – Feb 2020
The Word of the Lord 2020 (audio available for download)



Aug - Sep 2019
Word for the Season from the Book of Malachi

May - Aug 2019
Encountering the Personhood and Emotions of God (audio available for sale)

Mar - Apr 2019
Becoming the People of One Thing (audio available for sale)

Jan - Feb 2019
The Word of the Lord 2019 (audio available for download)



Oct - Dec 2018
The 7 Letters to the 7 Churches (audio available for sale)

June - Sept 2018
Encountering the Person of the Holy Spirit (audio available for sale)

May 2018
The Truth About Empowering Grace (audio available for sale)

Feb - Mar 2018
The Word for 2018 (audio available for download)

Jan 2018
Our Prophetic History



Sept - Dec 2017
The Life of David (Part Two) (audio available for sale)

Feb - Sept 2017
The Book of Joel (audio available for sale)

Jan 2017
The Word for 2017 (audio available for download)



Dec 2016
Beholding the Glory of Jesus (audio available for download)

Jul - Nov 2016
Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer (audio available for sale)

May - Jul 2016
The Plan of God for Israel at the End-of-the-Age (audio available for download)

Feb - May 2016
Growing in Intimacy with God (audio available for sale)

Jan 2016
The Word for 2016 (audio available for download)



Dec 2015
What is Grace? - Part I (audio available for download and sale)

Feb 2015 - Nov 2015
Song of Songs: The Believer's Journey of Intimacy with God (notes and audio available for sale)

Jan 2015
A Call to a Season of Consecration and Contending (notes and audio available for download)



Sep 2014 - Nov 2014
The I-H-O-P Lifestyle (notes and audio available for download)

Dec 2013 - Aug 2014
The Sermon on the Mount (notes and audio available for sale)



Oct - Nov 2013
The Knowledge of God

Jun - Sep 2013
The End-Times: Developing Confidence in Times of Uncertainty

Dec 2012 - May 2013
The Life of David



Aug 2012 - Nov 2012
The First and the Great Commandment

Jul 2011 - Jun 2012
Encounter God series


You may purchase MP3 recordings of the teachings by emailing us at info@onethingministries.net