Emergence: Shining in an Era of Darkness

Since 2020, the world has been witnessing one crisis after another with no end or reprieve in sight.

We had the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, followed by the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars in 2022 and 2023. We hear of gloomy predictions of an impending global economic crisis in this decade. Waves of antisemitism are arising globally, spiritual darkness is on the rise across nations, and morality and values are rapidly deteriorating. Furthermore, natural disasters are increasingly occurring all over the world…

What on earth is happening?
What does the Bible say about this?
Most importantly, how then shall we respond?

In light of all that the world is facing, it is critical for believers to interpret correctly, understand rightly, and respond urgently according to what the Spirit of God is saying (Rev. 2:7).

IHOP – One Thing Ministries would like to invite you to Emergence: Shining in an Era of Darkness — a day of in-person teaching and conversation.

Emergence will help us to understand the Biblical End-Time narrative, how to interpret and make sense of increasingly chaotic world events, and give us wisdom to know how to live as believers in this generation.

The seminar will answer questions such as the following through the Biblical lens of Scripture:

  • What times are we living in?
  • Why do we need to respond?
  • How do we make ourselves ready to shine?
  • How then shall we live today?

God is exhorting His people to respond to Him! If we do, we will, with His grace, emerge as a people who know our God, are strong, and shine in the midst of the times we are living in!

See you there!



Saturday, 31 August 2024

9 am to 6 pm

IHOP – One Thing Ministries
Harvest Care Centre
165 Sims Ave, #06-03 (Level 6)
Singapore 387606



Seminar speakers are members of the core team at IHOP – One Thing Ministries. They desire to see a generation set ablaze with passion for Jesus, set apart completely to the Lord, and live out the fullness that God has for this End-Time generation.