Forerunner School

FS Generic Jan 2017 [NEW]

The Forerunner School aims to equip and prepare believers to become a holy and lovesick Bride who wholeheartedly longs for the return of Jesus and arises to partner with Jesus in this hour to fulfil the Great Commission.

More than good teaching, our school aims to impart the reality of the Word to the hearts of believers and its relevance to the times we are living in.


What is a Forerunner and what is the Forerunner Spirit?

John the Baptist is the epitome of a forerunner who described his ministry as being a “Friend of the Bridegroom.” John heralded Jesus’ First Coming by preparing the Jewish people for Him. In so doing, he presented the Message in a real and relevant way — the Jewish people needed to repent and turn their lives around prior to Jesus’ coming. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is once again raising up forerunners in this hour to prepare the Church for the Second Coming of Jesus. These forerunners will proclaim the 3-fold revelation of the beauty of Jesus as the passionate Bridegroom, transcendent King and righteous Judge (Psalm 2:10 – 12).