Build the Fire on the Altar | The Call to Build

Build the Fire

In every generation, the Lord looks for His people to respond to His call for their time. The hour we are in is no exception.

With the reality that many alive today will witness the unfolding of eschatological events unto the return of Jesus, it is imperative that we find out what God is doing in our generation and throw ourselves fully into it.

We stand at the cusp of another great move of God — a flood of His Holy Spirit like never before and the actualisation of His promises for the transitional End-Time generation. God is raising up the people of “one thing” who are of extravagant devotion and who will partner with Him to do extraordinary works.

We also stand on the brink of the “Psalm 2” rebellion of nations and spiritual darkness that will fiercely war against God’s people, the young generation, and Israel. It will be the “days of Noah” once again (Matt. 24:37).

Establishing an altar of continuous worship and intercession has never been of greater urgency and necessity than at this hour. This is the only answer for what is to come; more than that, this is the key that will usher in God’s fullness for His people and the nations at the End of the Age.


God’s Call to His People

In the midst of this imminent Isaiah 60:1–3 crisis and glory, God is calling His people to stand in agreement with His heart to advance His purposes and establish His Kingdom here on earth.

The Lord is calling His people to take a stand and give Jesus the love, adoration, devotion, and attention that He is rightly due. He is worthy of nothing less than night-and-day prayer and worship to His throne to exalt His Name and magnify His infinite beauty and worth!

In a time of deep darkness and great crisis, the Lord is calling His people to turn to Him and find His answers in the place of prayer (Joel 2:12–17). Human strength, wisdom and ingenuity will no longer be able to overcome the coming crisis. Only the light of Christ can.

In this sovereign appointed time of God, the Lord is also calling His people to birth forth His glorious promises for this generation at the place of continuous prayer.


Journey With Us for A Season

As such, we at IHOP – One Thing Ministries are inviting singers, musicians, worship leaders and intercessors — especially from the young generation in Singapore — to answer God’s call and come together to build the House of the Lord for a season.

More than just doing prayer meetings, we are establishing a House that is a resting place for God and a refuge place for people — a House of Prayer in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David and in the order of Melchizedek.

It is a place where we gather to behold the beauty of Jesus, minister to God’s heart and intercede for the release of more revelation of His beauty, for God’s people to be made ready for Jesus’ return, for the fullness of Israel, and to push back the powers of darkness.

However, more than just a call to build, this is also an invitation to a journey of becoming the Daniel 11:32–33 people — those who know God, are strong, carry out great exploits with Him, and have understanding of His heart.

It is all from the place of prayer that God will release the unprecedented revelation of the beauty of Jesus to stabilise our hearts (Isa. 33:6); He will release His wisdom and strategies to His people; and we will be made ready as the Daniel 11:32–33 people to receive and carry His glory!

In this hour of transition, will you say “yes” to risk everything and be the hinge upon which the door of history swings in this generation?

“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles; in every place incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure offering; for My name shall be great among the nations,” says the Lord of hosts.

(Malachi 1:11)

If you are a singer, musician, worship leader or intercessor, we invite you to prayerfully consider journeying together with us for a season of 12 months to build the House of the Lord and be made ready as the Daniel 11:32–33 people.