Past Prayer Focuses & Videos | Days 1 – 4

Days 1 – 4 Days 5 – 8 Days 9 – 12 Days 13 – 16 Days 17 – 20 Days 21 – 22

Day 1 | 7 May 2023

Day 1 HeaderThere is only one way to eternal life, and that is through calling on the name of Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The Jewish people are not automatically saved for being the physical descendants of Abraham. Their zeal and their righteous acts cannot lead them to salvation. Salvation for them too is only by grace by faith in Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

The Jewish people’s rejection of their Messiah led to the Gospel going to the Gentile nations, but this blindness is neither final nor complete (Rom. 11:25). When the fullness of the Gentiles happens, all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:25–26).

It is critical to pray for the salvation of the Jewish people because the return of Jesus is dependent on the nation of Israel turning to Yeshua as their Messiah (Matt. 23:37–39, Acts 3:19–21).

Consequently, the return of Jesus, together with Israel’s national salvation, is critical for the fullness of God’s redemptive plan for all mankind to unfold across the nations, and for His glory to cover the earth (Hab. 2:14). Thus, Paul says that their national salvation will be “life from the dead” for the world (Rom. 11:15).

Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people today!

How To Pray:

  • Pray that the Jewish people will know that there is only one way to salvation — to call on the name of Yeshua (Col. 1:9–11).
    • Salvation is by grace by faith in Yeshua alone.
    • He is the way, the truth and the life.
  • Pray for the Jewish people to be convicted of their need for Jesus as Saviour, that He is the Passover Lamb that was slain for their sin and He is the One who reconciles man with God through His work on the cross (Eph. 1:17–18).
  • Pray for the removal of the partial and temporary blindness that has been upon Israel for the past two millennia.
  • Pray for the awakening of many through personal encounters and miracles that will point them back to the God of Israel (Joel 2:28–32; Eph.1:17–18).
  • Pray for many to be provoked to jealousy by Gentile believers (Rom. 11:11–14), that they would return to Yahweh and to Yeshua as their Saviour.


Day 2 | 8 May 2023

Day 2 HeaderA majority of Jewish people are proud of their heritage and follow the traditions and feasts of their forefathers. Whether they know it or not, these traditions that they follow, like the Feasts of Passover (Pesach) and Tabernacles (Sukkot), all point to God’s salvation for them in Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah).

The writer of Romans highlights the issue of the Jewish people — they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They are still looking to attain righteousness through works and do not acknowledge Jesus as God’s way to righteousness (Rom. 10:2–3).

A majority of the Jewish people are waiting for their Messiah to come and restore the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6). They do not acknowledge that Yeshua is the Messiah because in their understanding, their Messiah cannot die. Instead, He is to come and establish His kingdom through Israel as in the days of David (1 Chro. 17:9–14).

While Jesus will eventually establish His Kingdom through Israel after His return, they need to see that their Messiah had to first come and be pierced for their transgressions so that they can be saved. In fact, this is hidden in the very name of “YHWH” where the third Hebrew character, “vav”, signifies a hook or a nail.

May their eyes behold Yeshua — the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8)!

How To Pray:

  • Pray for revelation of Jesus as the Passover Lamb that was provided to them by Yahweh from before the foundations of the earth, so that they will call upon Him as their Messiah (Eph. 1:17).
  • Pray for God to give the Jewish people spiritual understanding of how their feasts point towards Yeshua, who fulfilled all that was written in Isa. 61:1–3.
  • Pray that as they read the Torah, the Holy Spirit will enlighten their eyes to see who Yeshua is and His work of salvation from the Name of God and from the Scriptures.
  • Pray for the enlightening of their eyes to see that the Son of God became the Son of Man, so that He could take away their sin.
  • Pray for the Spirit of grace and supplication to be poured on them, so that they will repent of their sins and call upon the name of Jesus unto salvation (Zech. 12:10).


Day 3 | 9 May 2023

Day 3 HeaderThere is only one city explicitly mentioned by name in Scripture that God calls us to pray for — Jerusalem. In Psalm 122:6, God’s people are exhorted to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

Indeed, throughout her history and even in modern times, moments of peace and rest have been few and far between. The reality is, Jerusalem will never have true, complete, and lasting peace until the hearts of the Jewish people turn to the Prince of Peace — Yeshua their Messiah, and He returns to establish His throne in Jerusalem, and His Kingdom here on earth.

In the meantime, we are called to pray for her and bless her until her namesake, “Yerushalayim — the possession/foundation of peace”, comes to pass in reality.

How To Pray:

  • Pray from Numbers 6:24–26 the Aaronic blessing upon Jerusalem: that God would bless her, keep her, make His face shine upon her, be gracious to her, lift up His countenance upon her, and give her peace.
  • Pray for the manifestation of her namesake “Jerusalem” to be a reality. 
  • Pray for Yahweh Shalom to manifest His Presence in her midst.
  • Pray for the fullness of her destiny as God’s chosen and holy city for His throne.
  • Speak peace and bless Jerusalem with the peace of her God Yahweh Shalom.


Day 4 | 10 May 2023

Day 4 HeaderThe Biblical definition of peace is not just about an absence of war, conflicts, or tensions, but “wholeness, fullness, and completeness”. Peace comes from the word “shalom”, which means being safe in mind, body or estate.

Psalm 122 tells us to pray for Jerusalem’s peace and protection, but there’s more. It speaks of praying for the completeness and fullness of God for the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is God’s chosen city from where He will manifest His shalom.

We need to pray for many to encounter Yeshua, the Prince of Peace, who will give them true peace and stability in their hearts amidst increasing darkness and conflicts, and for the fullness of God’s will and purposes for Jerusalem.

How To Pray:

Psalm 122:6–9 gives us four aspects on how to pray:

  • “The peace of Jerusalem” (v6) — Pray for protection from attacks and war, and for wholeness;
  • “Peace within your walls” (v7) — Pray for unity and harmony within the Jewish people and the people groups in Jerusalem; pray for peace within her walls in the midst of the turmoil within and without;
  • “Peace be within you” (v8) — Pray for God’s supernatural peace upon the hearts of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and for divine encounters with Yeshua, the Prince of Peace;
  • “I will seek your good” (v9) — Pray for the fullness of God’s will and purposes for Jerusalem, that she will be the city of the great King Yeshua.