Days 1 – 4 Days 5 – 8 Days 9 – 12 Days 13 – 16 Days 17 – 20 Days 21 – 22
Day 5 | 11 May 2023
Through the cross, God reconciled both Jews and Gentiles to Himself and created in Himself one new man out of the two. The cross put to death the hostility between both groups, thus making peace (Eph. 2:11–22).
As Gentiles, we who were once separated from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and the covenants, are now heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together of the promise in Christ Jesus (Eph. 3:6).
We as the Gentile Church have not replaced Israel! The truth is that we have been grafted into the “commonwealth of Israel” (Eph. 2:12) and are now heirs together with Israel in Christ and through Christ, we are able to share in the promises given to them (Gal. 6:16).
While some Biblical promises are specific to national Israel and Jewish believers only (e.g., Aliyah, the Promised Land, Zech. 13 and 14), this does not make Gentiles second-class citizens. Both groups have our own distinct callings and roles. Yet, we both have the same position before Him — we are His beloved children, with Israel as the firstborn.
In this hour, God is bringing restoration of this one new man unto its fullness between Messianic and Gentile believers. He is “undoing” centuries of the Gentile Church’s disconnection from our Jewish roots and heritage, so that as we walk together as One New Man in Christ, we will see the fullness of His Kingdom here on earth.
How To Pray:
- Pray for God to bring understanding and renew the minds of both groups — Jews and Gentiles, in accordance with His Word that we are one in Christ (Col. 1:9).
- Pray for both groups to align and hold fast to God’s truth, resist the narrative from the Replacement Theology and endure the persecution that comes with it.
- Pray for the breaking down of the walls of hostility between both groups and God’s healing upon hearts to walk worthy as the One New Man, the Israel of God, fully expressing God and His kingdom here on earth (Jn. 17:21–23, Eph. 2:14–18).
- Pray for the Gentile Church to be reconnected to our roots and heritage and so stand with and pray for our brethren to be restored as the firstborn and inherit their Promised Land.
- Pray for the Messianic believers to embrace and love their spiritual younger brother just as we were called to one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Day 6 | 12 May 2023
If one were to take a look at Israel’s history on the surface, it would seem that she has been forsaken and forgotten by God. Her history is rife with turmoil and persecution, which have left the nation and the land desolate on multiple occasions.
However, this is not the case! The Lord has surely not forsaken nor forgotten her. In fact, He delights over her. Israel is His firstborn. Israel is His beloved. God says that whoever touches her, touches the apple of His eye (Zech. 2:8).
Isaiah 62:3–5 gives the truth of Israel’s identity before God and is also a promise of what is to come for the nation of Israel. We can speak and declare this promise over Israel, so that even in the midst of the increasing antisemitism and hatred towards her, her heart will be reminded of how God sees her and His promises for her future.
Of course, this does not excuse her sin and rebellion towards God, but God’s heart and faithfulness towards her has never changed, and we can speak this over Israel in confidence.
How To Pray:
- Speak and declare over Israel her identity and destiny from Isa. 62:3–5:
- She is a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of God;
- She is not forsaken nor desolate;
- She is Hephzibah (the Lord delights in her) and Beulah (her land shall be married);
- Her God rejoices over her with singing and gladness (also Zeph. 3:16)
- Pray for Israel to encounter the heart of Yeshua, her Bridegroom God, and how He sees her.
- Pray for Israel to be confident in her prophetic destiny as a crown of glory and royal diadem in God’s hands.
- Pray for Israel to hear the God who rejoices and sings over her.
Day 7 | 13 May 2023
The term “holy seed” is relatively unknown to the Gentile Church, but is really what the Lord desires to produce in His nation Israel. All of the Lord’s work upon the nation of Israel throughout history has been for the purpose of producing the “holy seed” (Isa. 6:13) that will be worthy to advance the Kingdom with Him in partnership during the Millennial Kingdom (Rev. 20:6).
In Isaiah 6:9–13, God prophesies about the refining that Israel will go through via the judgments that He will send upon her. These judgments will be sent in response to her rebellion towards Him. Through the judgments, He will produce humility and gratitude in her, so that she will be able to carry the glory that will be given to her in the Age-to-come. This is because God is zealous for Israel’s fullness and glory that will be unsurpassed by any other nation.
While the prophecies of the judgments towards Israel are severe and seem devastating, they are not without redemption or hope. God likens Israel to a tree that keeps being cut down (through persecution, discipline, and judgment), but promises that a “stump” or remnant will remain (v13). Through God’s refining, this remnant will ultimately emerge as that “holy seed” that will walk in humility and gratitude, and be set apart for her call to govern nations with Yeshua her Messiah in the Millennial Kingdom.
Let us agree with the Lord’s sovereign hand and work over His beloved nation unto her arising as the “holy seed”!
How To Pray:
- Agree with God regarding His ordained preparation process for Israel to be made ready as the holy seed who will partner with Him to rule in the Millennial Kingdom.
- Pray for God to refine and purify her with His fire and judgments in accordance to His infinite wisdom (1 Thes. 5:23–24).
- Pray for His mercy in the midst of the judgments.
- Pray for God to produce and work humility and gratitude in the heart of Israel.
- Pray for Israel to come forth as the “holy seed” and light to the nations at the End of the Age that will be worthy to step into the fullness of her call in the Millennial Kingdom.
Day 8 | 14 May 2023
One of the main ways that God will cause rebellious Israel to turn back to Him is through His severe mercy towards her. God will divinely engineer crises and circumstances that will cause Israel to return in deep repentance (Isa. 26:9) as they realise their own sin and rebellion towards God.
Why “severe”?
To come under the discipline and judgement of the Uncreated God and Sovereign King is not something to consider casually and lightly. Hebrews 10:31 rightly says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Zechariah 13:8–9 tells us that before the return of Jesus, Israel will face her greatest crisis that is divinely engineered by God.
Why “mercy”?
God’s judgements and discipline come from a heart of unchanging mercy and kindness. He does not give to Israel what she deserves (Ps. 103:8–10) but instead keeps His covenant and does not write her off.
Instead, God judges Israel to deliver her from her sin and to remove everything that hinders wholehearted love for God, so that she can live out the fullness of her high calling in God. His judgements are meant to be redemptive.
Ultimately, God uses the least severe means to produce the greatest amount and deepest level of voluntary love from His people. This means that in God’s mercy, Israel’s “greatest crisis” (Zech. 12:8–9) is already the least severe.
How To Pray:
- Pray that in the midst of God’s discipline and judgement, Israel will consider the goodness and severity of God (Rom. 11:22) which will lead her to wholehearted repentance.
- Pray for Israel to encounter the severe mercy of God through:
- God-engineered troubles and crises to discipline and deliver Israel from her spiritual enemy of sin and rebellion;
- Seeing the way God deals with Gentile Nations (Isa. 19; Hag. 2:6–7);
- God’s people showing her mercy in the midst of her severe troubles.
- Pray for the raising up of voices who will help the Jewish people to make sense of God’s dealings towards them in His severe mercy.
- Pray for Gentile Believers to have understanding that God’s discipline and love are not contradictory, so that we can agree in prayer with His dealings towards Israel that are for her utmost good.