Cosmic Narrative & Warfare Seminar

Cosmic Narrative & Warfare Seminar

What is Reality?

Reality is NOT just all that we see with our physical eyes… It is in fact more than meets the eye.

Do you know that behind everything that is happening across the earth, there is an unseen spirit realm that is operating? Like Elisha’s servant, our eyes need to be opened to see this reality with clarity.

If we are called to be the finest generation and the End-Time Army that partners with the Lord at the End of the Age to advance His kingdom, we need to have understanding of the Biblical Cosmic Narrative — the major events that have taken place and will take place in the spirit realm, all the way from the beginning of human history to the End of the Age.

These events have a profound influence on human history, our present society and culture, and our spiritual life. They explain why we are where we are, what is happening now, where we are heading and what will happen in the End Times.

This seminar by IHOP-One Thing Ministries will equip the people of God with a foundational understanding of the overarching Biblical meta-narrative and give vital insight into why the world is where it is, where it is heading, how God’s people are to prepare themselves, and how to partner with the Lord in authority to establish His kingdom here on the earth.

Topics will include:

  • God’s original plan for mankind,
  • the Cosmic Narrative and Divine Council,
  • the six Rebellions against God,
  • Cosmic Warfare,
  • the Ekklesia and
  • God’s end goal for His people.

More than teachings, this seminar will also include times of impartation and conversation.


The Reasons for this Seminar


DATES: 4 & 5 October 2024 (Fri & Sat)

Session 1: Cosmic Narrative
4 Oct (Fri), 7:30 pm to 10 pm

Session 2: Cosmic Warfare and the Ekklesia (Part I)
5 Oct (Sat), 9.30 am to 12 pm

Session 3: Cosmic Warfare and the Ekklesia (Part II)
5 Oct (Sat), 1.30pm to 3.15pm

IHOP – One Thing Ministries
Harvest Care Centre
165 Sims Ave, #06-03 (level 6)
Singapore 387606

Seminar notes provided. Meals not included.
(A physical copy of Rhema Now book is redeemable with your registration on the first day of the seminar. While stocks last!)

Limited to first 50 sign-ups.

1 to 31 Jul:
Early bird registration only for those who have registered for Preparation for the Times (Intro) online equipping course.

Check your email for the link to register.

1 Aug onwards:
Registration opens for public. Stay tuned for the link to register.

Closing date: 27 Sep 2024



E&L bio picEmmanuel Kilem & Lion Cooke

Since 2017, Emmanuel Kilem and Lion Cooke have been commissioned by the Holy Spirit from Jerusalem, traveling two by two to the nations, mirroring Yeshua’s sending out of the 70 disciples (Luke 10:1-11).

Embodying the One New Man (Ephesians 2:15), a Messianic Jew and a Gentile walk together in covenant brotherhood. They have journeyed to over 80 countries, witnessing for Yeshua and raising up worshippers in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23-24). With a mission to unite and activate the prophetic generation (Malachi 4:5-6), they have seen countless miracles worldwide.

As intercessors and prayer warriors, they have established a global network of watchmen, discerning biblical times and seasons. Operating from Jerusalem, their headquarters, they continue to equip Yeshua’s body in Israel while focusing on raising the John 17 generation army, preparing for the return of the King of Glory. Serving Yeshua, they diligently fulfill His will on earth as it is in heaven.


KC bio picKay-Chong Yeo
IHOP – One Thing Ministries, Singapore

Kay-Chong is director of International House of Prayer – One Thing Ministries in Singapore, a ministry of prayer with worship in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David. For 15 years, he served the Lord as a youth and young adult pastor in a local church in Singapore.

In 2002, the Lord gave him a new mandate to establish a 24/7 House of Prayer in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David, to be His voice in calling believers into intimacy with God, and to proclaim the forerunner message in these Last Days. Since then, he has been ministering and proclaiming these messages in Singapore and in various countries in Asia. He has an intense desire to see others grow in the knowledge of Christ and understand God’s heart for a unique time like this.


EC bio picCaleb Yap
IHOP – One Thing Ministries, Singapore

Caleb Yap was one of the founding members of IHOP – One Thing Ministries at its inception in 2003, serving as a worship leader, musician and prophetic singer. His heart has always been to build the Lord a dwelling place and to keep the fire on the altar burning. He has played a key role in the Forerunner School to equip the Body of Christ through the Forerunner message.

Since 2016, he has co-written a 52-session online study on The Book of Joel, a 60-session online study on the Book of Revelation, and a fortnightly email series entitled Rhema Now — The Word of the Lord for the 2020s, part of which has since been published as a book.

Caleb’s ultimate desire is to see the Body of Christ established in the understanding of God’s heart and the Biblical Narrative of the End Times, so that the people of God can truly partner with Him to burn and shine for the return of Jesus Christ!



Q1. Will the sessions be recorded? Can I purchase the recordings instead of attending this seminar?
As this seminar focuses primarily on in-person equipping and impartation, we will not be putting the recordings on sale.

Q2. Is there a half-seminar fee if I can only attend one day?
The registration fee is fixed at $30 whether one attends the seminar fully or partially. We strongly encourage all to attend the full seminar as there will be continuity in the teachings and impartation.

Q3. Will there be notes given out at this seminar?
Yes, we will be giving out notes only to those who have registered and turned up for the seminar.

Q4. I am interested in this seminar but unable to attend. Can I purchase the seminar notes?
Drop us an email at and we will reach out to you about this.

Q5. Why is priority given to the registrants of PFFT to sign up for this seminar?
This seminar was organised as part of the syllabus for those who have registered for the Preparation for the Times (Intro) online equipping course. Hence priority is given to them to attend this seminar.

Q6. Can I still sign up for this seminar if I am not a part of the Preparation for the Times (Intro) online equipping course?
Yes, we welcome the public to register for this seminar from 1 Aug onwards.

Q7. I am interested to sign up for the Preparation for the Times (Intro) online equipping course. How do I go about it?
You can find out more at Preparation for the Times (Intro) online equipping course.

Q8. I have just started my PFTT journey in this online equipping course. Can I still register for this seminar?
Yes, all registrants for the PFTT are welcome and given priority to register for this seminar.


If you have any further questions, email us at