Testimonials from Past Students
This course syllabus clearly outlines and provides the framework to equip me – It addresses these questions that I have been pondering and praying about for quite some time: How then shall I live at such a time as this? What and how shall I prepare for the Times?
– Wong Jia Niang
This course is so relevant for the times and I like how it has been curated into a curriculum that makes so much sense. Thank you for doing this! I heard some of this teaching before but I feel that the Holy Spirit is making it come alive now – in 2023 – and giving understanding Himself. So it’s different coming under this same teaching in 2023 vs 2013.
– Edna Koh
This online equipping course helps my family and I to be more spiritually strengthened, devoted to Christ and prepared for the times to come.
– Andrew Wong
The curriculum is very detailed and I can listen a bit, then continue again on the go. I highly recommend this course to believers who would like to embark on their journey of preparation to become the Daniel 11:32–33 people.
– Wallis