Articles / Blog

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Aligning to Gods Heart for Israel

The Importance of Aligning to
God’s Heart for Israel

Musings on the Pandemic, the Endemic, and Vaccinations

Musings on the Pandemic, the Endemic, and Vaccinations

Entering into the Rev. 3:20 Moment

Entering into the Rev. 3:20 Moment

An Encouragement As We Face Tightening Restrictions Again (15 May 2021)

An Encouragement As We Face Tightening Restrictions Again
(15 May 2021)

Navigating Through Covid-19 — An Exhortation from February 2020

Navigating Through Covid-19 — An Exhortation from February 2020

The Kairos Word for this Time: “Open up your heart and let Me in” (Rev 3:20)

The Kairos Word for this Time: “Open up your heart and let Me in”
(Rev. 3:20)

What's So Significant about Passover This Year? (2021)

What’s So Significant about Passover This Year? (2021)

No Longer Life Business-As-Usual

No Longer Life Business-As-Usual

Was 2020 a Washout Year?

Was 2020 a Washout Year?

Take Heed Lest We (Too) Fall

Take Heed Lest We (Too) Fall

Found of Good Use or Good For Nothing?

Found of Good Use or Good For Nothing?

God Where are You in this Pandemic?

God Where are You in this Pandemic?

Making Sense of the Global Crisis and How Then Shall We Live?

Making Sense of the Global Crisis and How Then Shall We Live?


Articles Header

The following are articles written by various writers from IHOP – One Thing Ministries, and grouped under the general categories of Intimacy with God, House of Prayer, Forerunner Ministry and Others.

Intimacy with God

  1. Being a People of One Thing
  2. Becoming a People of One Thing – John the Apostle: the Beloved of the Lord (John 21:20)
  3. Friendship with God
  4. How to Grow in Intimacy with God
  5. The First and Great Commandment – Loving God with All Our Heart
  6. Keys to Having Passion for Jesus
  7. Meditation — From the Mundane to the Marvelling
  8. Fasting — Setting Our Hearts To Receive From God
  9. The Path to True Joy – And It’s Not About You
  10. Jesus Our Great Leader (Ps. 23)
  11. The Knowledge of God
  12. The Psalms in the Narrative Flow of David’s Life


House of Prayer

  1. The Global Prayer Movement and Asia’s Role
  2. Wacky Intercession
  3. Why we (Still) Burn at the House of Prayer
  4. Why we (Still) Burn at the House of Prayer, Part II


The Forerunner Ministry

  1. The Ministry of Forerunners
  2. The Biblical Roots of A Forerunner Ministry
  3. What Forerunners can Learn from Singapore’s First PM
  4. Eight Dimensions of the Prophetic Ministry in the End-Time Church
  5. Be Strong and Courageous
  6. Why We Should Know the Signs of the Times
  7. Making Sense of the Global Crisis and How Then Shall We Live
  8. Timelines
  9. The Divine Invitation to Read the Book of Revelation
  10. Corrie Ten Boom and the Rapture
  11. Lakeland Revival: Understand and Discern the Moves of God
  12. Understanding Israel
  13. Why We Must Pray for Israel



  1. Beholding the Mystery of Christmas
  2. The Resurrection of Christ
  3. The Jesus of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come
  4. How To Discern False Teachers and Cults
  5. What’s the Big Deal About Revival?
  6. What is Halloween?