This prophetic dream is the first part to what the Lord is speaking to us for the historic transitional decade ahead. The second installment was given in an open vision on January 6, 2022 — The Jer. 23:18 Hour.

A door was opened and I was taken in my spirit to the Table of the LORD (Songs 2:4–7) where I dined with Jesus. It was also the Revelation 3:20 Table!
(This is an invitation to whoever will zealously open the “door” of our hearts to Jesus.)
As I was at the Table, Jesus instructed me to take time to feast at His Table in order to have strength for what is to come, for this is required to enter into His invitation in this divine moment. The LORD insisted that I should pay utmost attention to LISTENING AND DIALOGUING with Him.
(Both are the keys to grow deep in the LORD: the “Isaiah 55:1–3 listening” and the “John 15 abiding”.)
Suddenly the wind of the Spirit blew on a book on the Table. A few titles came forth — Zechariah 3–4, John 14–17, Revelation 1–5, etc. It was so swift that I could not lay hold of all of them, but I knew that they were the passages of Scripture that the Holy Spirit is highlighting and emphasizing. The LORD spoke, “Come, listen carefully to Me, eat what is good, incline your ear to Me and hear! Abide in Me and let these Words abide in you!”
Then I was given a lamp that was filled with oil!
Before I realized, I was taken in the spirit and was transported with the burning and shining lamp to many places with many people. The people looked weary, weak, beaten, run-down, oppressed, etc.
(Very much like Matthew 9:35–38.)
I was instructed by the Spirit to attach the lamp onto my back. Then I led them to a grand palace with many Tables of the LORD where the people were fed. The people became strong and arose as an army in white garments, shining like stars.
Immediately I was taken in the spirit to another place but the lamp was nowhere to be found. I panicked and began to search frantically…
Then a voice spoke so clearly and distinctly with authority to me: “Kay-Chong, do not focus on the lamp on the outside. I am giving you the light now as you diligently buy oil. It is what is inside and what is internal that matters. You have to be real, deep and authentic in your walk with Me. I AM increasing the fire and the glory in you IF you would consistently and diligently sit with Me at My Table and feast with Me. I AM giving you gold, godliness and glory.
This is the Revelation 3:20 moment!
This is the Kairos moment to HEAR, to OPEN the door, to fellowship and feast with Me. You will arise as the burning and shining lamp IF you would abide! Have I not spoken, instructed and led you over the last 3 years?”
I was awakened after the loud voice declared the above.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
I woke up with these words lingering over me…