Rhema Now (Book)


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Rhema Now Vol 1 Cover


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Back Cover

COVID-19 came, COVID-19 went. The world has shifted into a new normal of uncertainty and instability. Changes that would have normally taken at least a decade have been fast-tracked through this once-in-a-generation event. Even now, nations are still trying to find their footing in an ever-changing world.

As for the people of God, the Church of Jesus Christ:
What is God saying to us?
How is the Lord leading us in this hour of transition?
How does He want us to respond to Him?

Rhema Now puts together clearly and coherently what the Lord has spoken regarding the transition we have just gone through, the decade that we now find ourselves in, and the new era that we will step into in 2030.

More importantly, it speaks with clarity about what is needed for God’s people to know Him, grow strong, and be prepared for the spiritual battle that is ahead at the end of this decade.

It is wisdom to take heed of what God is speaking for the now through His rhema that is rooted in the foundation of His unchangeable logos. It is wisdom to take heed of what He is calling His people to in this hour. It is wisdom to realign to Jesus and His narrative for the End of the Age.

May we arise in response to God’s call for us to prepare for the time that is to come!

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新冠疫情来了,新冠疫情去了。 世界已进入一个不确定和不稳定的新常态。 通常需要至少十年才能发生的变化,在这千年一遇的事件中,得以迅速发生。 即使是现在,各国仍在努力,试图在不断变化的世界中站稳脚步。




留意聆听神透过祂的Rhema话语(根植于不改变的logos话语)对我们当下所说的话,是明智的。 留意他在这个时刻呼召他百姓做的事是明智的。 与耶稣和祂对末期的计划对齐是明智的。
