Endorsement for Rhema Now

From Mike Bickle (Founder, IHOPKC)

Recent global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and much more have caught much of the Church unaware. I am grateful for the Rhema Now series by IHOP – One Thing Ministries that is a result of their diligence to seek the Lord for insight on His perspective on many pertinent questions such as, “What on earth is happening?”, “What is God saying?” and “What is in store for believers in the time to come?”

It is important for us to discern the Lord’s will and heart in the uncharted waters that we currently find ourselves in. His word to us gives us a spiritual map, a compass, and a ruler. The series helps us interpret the prophetic Scriptures at a time of growing darkness, increasingly frequent birth pangs (shakings) prior to the return of the LORD Jesus, and the global escalation of evil.

With coherence and clarity, the series puts together rhema words that the leadership of IHOP – One Thing Ministries has discerned from the Lord over the past six to seven years.

It confirms what the Lord had impressed upon my own heart in January 2020 — that the decade of the 2020s would be the most dramatic transitional decade in history and the world as we know it would be radically different by 2030.

Amid such immense changes, the Rhema Now series also gives clarity that will strengthen the body of Christ to walk through the next years with a greater measure of understanding, love and power as Daniel 11:32–33 prophesied! This series is also a clarion call to the Church in this hour to prepare ourselves, mainly in our character, spiritual understanding and strength, so that we can partner with God in the grand end-time storyline that is written in His Word.

I am thankful that the Lord is speaking with clarity and precision to the Church through Rhema Now. I urge you to read the series to gain more understanding of what the Word and the Spirit are saying for the NOW to His people!

As believers, you will want to be found worthy or spiritually prepared to escape the traps of darkness that will touch all the nations on the earth (Lk. 21:34–36), so that you can be counted worthy or be empowered to stand before the Son of Man. Rhema Now will help many to position themselves to walk in His promised glory in this sovereign appointed time. I encourage you to delve into it and ask the Lord for living understanding!


Statement Regarding Allegations of Misconduct

We are aware of the allegations of misconduct that have been made towards Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer, Kansas City. Even as we highly respect and love him as a leader and brother, if these allegations are found to be true, we certainly would not stand for what he has done. We always stand for truth, righteousness and all things that are in alignment with Jesus! However, as these allegations are still under investigation, it would be premature to rush to judgement as we desire for truth to prevail and for due process to be followed.

We have quoted and referenced Mike Bickle in some of our Rhema Now issues, especially when recounting God’s prophetic promises for this generation. We understand that some in the Body of Christ may be inclined to completely dismiss what the Lord has spoken through him in light of the allegations. However, our exhortation is for God’s people to weigh the words and promises given through him (or through any other teacher or prophet) based on the Word and discernment of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the day, the outcome of the investigation does not negate God’s plan and message if they truly are from Him.